Frequently Asked Questions

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We are open from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.

FUN School accepts children from the age of 15 months to kindergarten age. We are licensed for a total of 110 children at any given time. The ratios of teacher to child vary depending on the age of the child

  • Toddlers (18 – 30 months) are 1:5;  We are permitted to take 20% of the toddlers at 15 months; three 15 month olds in the junior toddler classroom
  • Preschoolers (2.5 – 4 years) are 1:8,
  • Kindergarten (4 – 6 years) are 1:13

Yes, our centre has a waiting list.

The day care is open year round, with two one week closures; one week in December and one week in August.

We are also closed on all statutory holidays:

Our centre provides a hot lunch, one AM snack and one PM snack daily for children over 15 months of age. Lunches and snacks are based on the Canada Food Guide, and are professionally catered by Real for Real Kids.

Families living in Peel region who need help with the cost of licensed child care for their children can apply for a Child Care Fee Subsidy if they meet eligibility requirements and have a valid reason for care.  For more information contact the child care fee subsidy at the Region of Peel at: or call 905-793-9200

Once a family comes up on the waiting list they will be notified so that a tour/visit can be set up for the child and the parents or  caregivers. It is extremely important that the centre be informed of the individual needs of each child prior to enrolment. This will ensure the appropriate placement for the child.

Once a space becomes available and has been offered to a family, there are a number of steps that need to take place. The family is asked to submit a completed registration package and the registration and first month’s fee to hold their space, unless they have been approved for child care subsidy. The enrolment forms must be completed in full and returned before the child starts in the program. The forms are designed to include all of the information required by the Ministry of Education and the Public Health Department. It provides the teachers with a good introduction to your child.

Once a space is confirmed, all families are strongly encouraged to come with their child for two visits prior to the actual start date. This allows the child to get comfortable with the Centre and the staff while their parent/guardian is with them. This can be done by calling the centre to let us know when you would like to come in.

FUN School works diligently to provide quality care for all families and is committed to working with families to ensure all children’s needs are met. In case of allergies that require special consideration an individual action plan may need to be filled out or  in the case of Anaphylaxis, an Individual Emergency Anaphylaxis Action Plan would need to be completed and two Epipens provided.

All toys and equipment are sanitized weekly. In the case where toys have been mouthed, the toys are sanitized daily.  Our playgrounds and equipment are checked twice daily by staff.  Any broken toys are discarded.  The playground is inspected monthly and an annual inspection is completed by an outside thirty-party inspector.

Diapers and wipes are provided by the parents and each child has a designated area where their belongings are kept within the classroom. Please provide diapers, wipes, a blanket for nap time, along with any other items that will provide comfort for your child during their time at FUN School.

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